• Nov 22 Tue 2011 00:26
  • 表姊


biteanapple 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

  • Oct 25 Tue 2011 02:05
  • 空隙

J 讓我不爽,而她本人永遠不會知道。我不喜歡女孩子動不動麻煩別人,尤其是提包包,自己沒有手嗎?我不喜歡有人動不動娃娃音,很噁心。我不喜歡有人欲言又止其實希望別人鼓勵她說出某個八卦。我不喜歡有人寫網誌什麼的搞得自己好像很厲害,但文筆明明很普通。我不喜歡有人敷衍我,或可稱之不公平吧,為什麼我明明都老實說,或很快就會分享我的故事,她卻總是:我已經處理好了,我現在過得很好,呵呵。還有,我不喜歡有人在我面前一直明示暗示她沒有錢/她家不夠富裕(關我屁事)。


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*An Insight*

I am not one person without willpower, accatually. But why have me been so lazy and couldn't pay attention? This so bother me these days-I've struggled with myself everyday: I want to study text, prepare my resume, practice English and select information about international volunteering...and so on. WTF I just couldn't concentrated on all of them. Then I guess, just guess, I devoted all my willpower to the fucking education system in Taiwan (16years damn it!), then I can not concentrate on other interesting things at all.

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*The United State*

After the result of the exam was announced on Monday, I was indulged in bad mood. Nevertheless, Mom called me yesterday morning and suggested me a trip to the United State for relieving myself. It's an attracting advice, acctually, but I don't want to be try to escape from reality. It's time to be mature and responsible. Don't waste time and search for more chance. A lot of reasons to persuade myself not to do it.....what if my opinion is wrong????

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